Thursday, 5 June 2014

GHOST WAR Gary Schroen, a CIA agent meets with Ahmed Shah Massoud, the former Afghan defense minister. The CIA fed large amounts of money to Massoud's organization during the war with the Soviet Union. By 1996, Massoud's popularity is waning. The Taliban form in 1994 and is trying to clear Afghanistan of warlords, including Massoud. The Americans, who walk away from Afghanistan when the Soviet Union dissolves, will be coming back in the future, Schroen says because of terrorism. Osama bin Laden comes to Afghanistan for asylum in May 1996. The wealthy sheikh is known to the warlords for his help against the Soviets. He is a financier of Islamic terrorist groups and is expelled by the Sudan and stripped of his Saudi citizenship. The CIA has a special unit for gathering information on bin Laden. Schroen and the CIA want Massoud's help against bin Laden... Howard Hart is a CIA agent providing arms to the Afghan anti-Soviet guerrillas. He is in Peshawar to meet Abdul Haq, an Afghan rebel commander. Hart becomes the CIA station chief in Islamabad in 1981 and begins supplying the rebels with arms but has to supply them through Pakistan under the control of General Zia. This is why Hart and Abdul Haw have to meet in secret. Hart also meets regularly with Akhtar due Rahman, the director of ISI, Pakistan's intelligence service. Ahktar establishes the rules for the CIA and the success of the CIA depends on Hart's ability to work with Akhtar. They will develop the list of weapons that are required. In Chapter Four, Ahmed Badeeb is sent to Pakistan with money from Price Turki al-Faisal who is the head of Saudi intelligence. He meets with President Zia. The Soviet invasion is... Massoud is born in the Panjshir Valley and lives in Kabul from the age of eleven on. While attending the Kabul Polytechnic Institute, he joins the Muslim Youth Organization. Like all students of the time, he has a choice between communism or radical Islam. This radical Islam is based on the Muslim Brotherhood and the teaching of Sayyed Qutb who combines Leninism with Islamic Revolution. This is taught in classes attended by bin Laden. Massoud's group protects the Solang Highway and attacks the Soviets that use it. They capture weapons and equipment, repair them and use them against the Soviets. As a result of this he is a top target for the Soviets. Good intelligence allows him and his men to avoid Soviet attacks. He is very popular in the Panjshir. Eventually, Massoud reaches a truce with the Soviets. When the Soviets plan... Milton Bearden becomes CA station chief in Islamabad in July 1986. Casey wants him to wage the war against the Soviets. The CIA sponsored rebels are now facing constant helicopter attacks from the Soviets. Stingers are introduced in an attack on helicopters at the Jalalabad airport. There is fear of retaliation from the Soviets. The CIA does not favor the use of Stingers because they can be used by terrorists against passenger airplanes. The CIA still funds and supplies Abdul Haq and Massoud. The Americans have to travel around the area carrying large sums of money and there is always the fear of robbery and murder. There are also thousands of Arab volunteers. Bin Laden has moved to Peshawar at this time in 1986. There are also many charities that are active in the city. One Muslim Brotherhood volunteer is Aymen al-Zawahiri, from Egypt. Abdullah... Gary Schroen is back at the United States embassy in Islamabad as Kabul station chief. The Najibullah government has not fallen so Schroen waits in Pakistan. The CIA is still funding Massoud and other rebels without the ISI knowing it. Hamid Gul is now chief of the ISI. Pakistan has formed an Afghan government and proposes an attack against Jalalabad so the new government can be installed on Afghan soil. Bennzair Bhutto is now Prime Minister and is suspicious of Gul and the ISI but approves the Jalalabad campaign. The battle for Jalalabad wages for months. Neither Jalalabad or the Najibullah government falls. The views and recommendation of Ed McWilliams runs counter to those of the CIA at Langley. The Foreign Service officer is transferred back to Washington. The CIA establishes a radio facility for the rebels near Parrot's Beak. The CIA agents... The civil war in Afghanistan continues but is ignored by the United States. Now that the Soviet Union is gone, terrorists are seen as the biggest threat. The Clinton administration is soon to take office and a new CIA chief is selected. It is James Woolsay. Two men from Pakistan are in the United States. Mir Amal Kasi is from a wealthy family near Quetta and is working as a courier in Virginia. On January 23, 1993, he begins shooting employees entering the CIA headquarters. The next day, he flies to Pakistan. Ramzi Yousef was born in Kuwait. His family flees during the Iraq invasion and he volunteers for the jihad. He receives bomb training, then returns to Pakistan. On February 26, 1993, he and his group attacks the World Trade Center in New York City and that night he flies back to Pakistan. It takes the... Economic sanctions are imposed against the Sudan in 1993 because of government sponsored terrorism. Cofer Clack becomes the CIA station chief there in 1993. The basic objective of the CIA station there is terrorism since Khartoum is haven for terrorists and radicals like Carlos the Jackal. The country is a safe base for groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Egypt's Islamic Group and Algeria's Islamic Salvation Front since the ruling party, the National Front, is led by Hasan al-Turabi. The station gathers information on bin Laden and describes him as an emerging leader. At this time the Saudi's are still trying to work out their differences with bin Laden until they revoke his citizenship in 1994. On February 8, 1995, Ramzi Yosef is brought back to the United States. He believes that only extreme acts can bring about change. He tells the FBI that he is inspired by certain leaders... There are oil and gas reserves in Central Asia. Unocal is one oil company that is interested. The company wants to build a pipeline from Turkmenistan through Kandahar to Pakistan. The company sends Marty Miller and John Imle to negotiate. Carlos Bulgheroni, an Argentine oilman, has the same idea as Unocal. Bulgheroni has the support of Prince Turki. The Bhutto government promises to buy Bulgheroni's gas but the Turkmenistan government makes their deal with Unocal. There is support in Washington for the Unocal deal. Multilaterial lending for the Unocal project requires a stable government. Afghanistan does not meet the requirements at the time. Unocal also needs Pakistan to drop its pledge to buy from Bulgheroni but Bhutto will not. When the Unocal people arrive in Afghanistan, they cannot meet with Mullah Omar because they ware not Muslims. The Taliban want the contract but... Schroen is the Islamabad station chief in 1996 and is the primary assistance for the agency's virtual station on bin Laden. The CIA is trying to recover Stinger missiles and the Taliban will not sell back the ones they have. By November 1996, bin Laden has moved his operations to the south to Kandahar. He is now building his reputation in the international media. He also becomes an ally of the Taliban. Unocal is working on its pipeline plan and rents a house across the street from bin Laden. This is only one of his compounds. He is also establishing training camps, but the United States has no plans for anything other than intelligence gathering. Massoud, in the north, is finding sponsors in Iran and India. They raise money from selling gems and heroin to finance the fight of the Taliban and their Islamic totalitarian... The CIA hires a group of Afghan tribal fighters to find Mir Amal Kasi, who attacks CIA employees in 1993. The agency outfits the group with supplies and money, including tracking and locating equipment using satellites. Kasi is taken on June 15, 1997. Since the equipment is already in place, they decide to use it for the capture of bin Laden. If there is not a grand jury indictment in the United States, they hope some other country will accept him for trial. The tribe plans to hold him in a cave for thirty days so there is less of a chance for an attack on the Americans who come to remove him. However, in order to comply with various executive orders, bin Laden has to be captured alive. Al-Zawahiri arrives in Afghanistan after bin Laden but by 1998 they publishe a joint manifesto declaring the United... The purpose of the CIA is to prevent surprise attacks. They obtain and analyze information and distribute it in the form of reports. They do not want any surprise attacks during the Clinton impeachment hearings that could weaken the Presidency. Al-Qaeda generates huge amounts of information. Pillar's Counterterrorist Center provides so much information that the recipients complain about the volume. The information indicates that bin Laden is planning attacks in the United States. The Untied States and ships and submarines with missiles sitting off the Pakistani coast wait to receive the coordinates of bin Laden's location. The CIA tries to confirm his location. A memorandum of Notification signed by Clinton in 1998 gives the agents the authority to use lethal force to capture bin Laden and the al-Qaeda leadership. Government lawyers spend months debating under what circumstances lethal force is legal and under what... George Tenet believes that bin Laden is a serious threat in early 1999 but believes that nuclear proliferation is a bigger threat. Tenet wants more information on bin Laden from reliable sources. He appoints a new chief of the bin Laden unit known as Rich and Cofer Black is named head of the Counterterrorist Center. Blackl takes a more pro-active approach asd decided that Uzbekistan is the best government in the area to work with. The leader Islam Karimov agrees to work with the CIA. CIA teams also meet with Massoud and supply him with some monitoring and other equipment. Massoud believes that eventually the Taliban strength will wither so he will patiently wait. He wants the United States to pressure the Pakistanis to stop supporting the Taliban. Clinton and the United States are neutral in the Afghan civil war but they will work... In early 2000, bin Laden goes to his Derunta Camp near Jalalabad. Only Arabs are allowed in the elite camp. The Americans feel they were experimenting with chemicals. Massoud sends a commando team to the area but the CIA can find no evidence of an attack on the camp. The CIA have increased recruitment but cannot penetrate the al-Qaeda. Bin Laden is very security conscious as he moves around and it is difficult for the CIA to obtain information. Since bin Laden and al-Zawahiri travel in luxury SUVs, satellites are used to locate the vehicles in a place where most people do not have cars. However, they cannot track them on a day to day basis. The Pentagon also do not want to try a commando raid due to the logistics and lack of reliable intelligence. Failed attacks with civilian causalities will raise bin... In Spring 2000, the United States looks for new ways to approach the bin Laden problem. The CIA buys Predator drones to use in Afghanistan. Uzbekistan agrees to allow the Predator to be operated from one of its air bases while the control will be in Langley. They begin the flights over the places bin Laden is known to visit. The flights continue until winter. The group begins to concentrate on the Tarnak complex again. The families of bin Laden and his aides live in the compound. In September the Northern Alliance loses Taloqan to the Taliban. The following month the USS Cole is attacked in Yemen. They have to develop a new plan to deal with bin Laden. Schroen feels that the United States has to work with Massoud but they cannot get approval. Chapter Thirty begins with George Bush as President. Terrorism... Massoud now employs a lobbyist to promote his efforts in Washington. He meets with other countries to obtain supplies and addresses the European Parliament about the al-Qaeda threat. Schroen and his group mset Massoud in Paris to guarantee the continuation of the agency's support. Massoud is forging a coalition of anti-Taliban forces. Peter Tomsen, now retired from the foreign service, writes a strategy paper for Massoud. In April, the Bush administration begins to study the al-Qaeda problem. Recommendations are for more money and support for Massoud. By this time Tenet, Black and others say that there are indications of a big impending strike but they do not know where. Bin Laden openly brags to the media of impending attacks. It takes several months for United States policy to change. By June they feel that an attack is imminent. There is a movement around...
Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head By Abu Assad Nurul bayan Muhammad Jameel Al'majeer as-salafeey. Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head. It’s a way of life. Just because some of the sisters have their head covered, they think that the requirement of Hijaab is fulfilled. They don’t realize that wearing a Hijaab requires much more than just covering your head. Actually, if you think about it, Hijaab is the way you talk…..the way you walk….the very way you carry yourself. In fact, Hijaab is an attitude in itself. Its a whole way of life. Allaah says: “And say to the believing women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty (zeenah) except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you believers, in order that you are successful.” (Surat-un-Nur: 31). Here are some of the more common issues in light of this verse about the Hijaab. Well, my head is covered. What more do you want? If you look carefully at the ayah, it clearly states that the head covers (khumur) should be drawn over the neck slits (juyoob). Khumur is the plural of the Arabic word “khimar” which means a headcover. Juyoob is the plural of the Arabic word “jaiyb”, which refers to the neck slit (of the dress). Yet, some sisters just cover their head with something, and think they are fulfilling the rights of Hijaab, although part of their hair or body is showing, or their whole neck and chest area are exposed. Actually, that was the way of the women of Jahilliyah. Al-Qurtubi said: “Women in those days used to cover their heads with the khimar, throwing its ends upon their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, along with the ears. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimar.” So secure the scarf well around your face, covering your neck/chest area, and keep those half sleeves and capri pants for your Mahrams Sorry.…tight jeans and short shirt just don’t cut it You can’t wear tight jeans and a short shirt with a piece of cloth on your head and think this is Hijaab. Nor can you wear anything else that is tight, describing the shape of the body in any way, even if it is long. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “In later (generations) of my ummah there will be women who will be dressed but naked. On top of their heads (what looks) like camel humps. They will not enter into paradise or (even) get a smell of it.” (Muslim) If it is see-through, its NOT Hijaab You CANNOT use chiffon or other see through material to cover your hair and body. Everything should be covered and the color of the skin underneath should not be visible. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) once received a thick garment as a gift. He gave it to Osamah b. Zayd, who in turn gave it to his wife. When asked by the Prophet why he did not wear it, Osamah indicated that he gave it to his wife. The Prophet then said to Osamah “ask her to use a “gholalah” under it (the garment) for I fear that it (the garment) may describe the size of her bones.” (Ahmad, Abi-Dawood) (The word gholalah in Arabic means a thick fabric worn under the dress to prevent it from describing the shape of the body). The Hijaab shouldn’t attract attention The dress should not be such that it attracts men’s attention to the woman’s beauty. Allaah clearly states “not to display their beauty (zeenah).” Yet, Subhaan Allaah, some Hijaabi sisters are dressed in such a way that they attract more attention to themselves than they would if they didn’t wear Hijaab!! How could such zeenah be concealed if the dress is designed in a way that it attracts men’s eyes to the woman? It beats the purpose of Hijaab. Allaah tells us: “And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance…” [al-Ahzaab:32] What about make-up and perfume??? Wearing make up is also part of the zeenah that Allaah orders us NOT to display. So if your head and body are appropriately covered yet you are wearing bright red lipstick or dark eyeliner such that people confuse between you and a raccoon….uh sorry, that’s not Hijaab. And keep those nice fragrances for the home, between you and your husband. That’s part of Hijaab too, even if you are going to the Masjid. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “Any woman who puts on perfume and passes by people so that they can smell her fragrance, is an adulteress.” (al-Nasaa’i, Tirmidhi: hasan by Albaani) Tinkling Jewelry and Jingling bracelets ‘Loud’ and tinkling anything, be it jewelry, bracelets, clip-clopping shoes, little bells on clothes, you name it, if it jingles or makes noise, it is against the principles of Hijaab, because it attracts attention to the one wearing it. That is what is meant when Allaah orders us in the above verse…“not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments.” No laughing, joking, or hanging out with non-Mahrams Some sisters assume that since they are properly covered, its okay for them to sit around and talk, laugh, joke, etc. with the men, but that’s not right, even if he is ‘the Shaikh’. Allaah says:”. . . then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire, but speak in an honorable manner.” [al-Ahzaab:32] So talk to them when there is a specific need, and in a manner that is not necessarily rude, yet it is polite but firm. Staring at the brothers or ‘checking them out’ is NOT Hijaab Allaah orders us to “lower your gaze” in the above verse. Why? Because a single ‘look’ can say more than a thousand words. So, even if you are properly covered, keep those eyes down, conduct yourself with ‘Hayaa’, and avoid ‘fitnah’. ‘Chatting’ on the internet/phone is not part of Hijaab, either There is no such thing as “we’re just friends”. Talking to non-Mahrams is wrong even if it is through the internet or telephone. There are too many stories of illegal relationships, fornications, broken homes, extra-marital affairs and runaway brides to even mention. That is why in Islam anything that leads to haraam is also haraam. Allaah says: “Do not (even) come close to fornication, for it is an indecency, and its way is evil.” (Surah Israa:32) Be careful, even in the way you walk Remember, you are not a runway model displaying the latest fashion. Walk with modesty and hayaa and you will be respected. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “There are two types of the people of Hell that I have not seen yet….women who are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait…..” (Muslim). Don’t shake hands with non-Mahrams. Its part of Hijaab It is not permissible to shake hands with a non-Mahram, because the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than to touch a woman who is not permissible for him.” (at-Tabaraani saheeh by al-Albaani). And no, it is not rude to refuse to shake hands with non-Muslims. Simply politely explain that its part of your religion and they are very understanding. Stay away from the men’s areas I see many sisters entering the Masjid from the men’s entrance, or standing idle in the hallways or where there is a chance of unnecessary mixing with the brothers. What for? Don’t we have a separate entrance for ourselves? Why do you think Allaah ordained the Hijaab in the first place? To avoid fitnah, by reducing temptation and separating the genders. “The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said to the women on his way out of the mosque when he saw men and women mixing together on their way home: ‘Give way (i.e., walk to the sides) as it is not appropriate for you to walk in the middle the road.’ Thereafter, women would walk so close to the wall that their dresses would get caught on it.” (Abu Dawood) Hijaab is also to conceal your sister Although some sisters wear the Hijaab themselves, they forget that they cannot talk about another sister and her beauty in front of their own husbands, brothers, etc. Remember, part of your Hijaab is to cover your sisters ‘awrah’ as well. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “No woman should mix with a woman and describe her to her husband so that it is as if he can see her.” (Muslim) May Allah guide us and bless us with the TRUE understanding of His Deen. Ameen.
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*** KASET NA GOMA (10) ***
.............MUQADDIMA (I) ............

DATE; 21/11/2013

Godiya ta tabbata ga Allah (SWT) wanda ya saukar da Al-Qur'ani ga bawanshi Annabi Muhammad (SAW) don ya zama mai wa'azii da gargadi ga dukkannin duniya. Allah yayi dadin tsira ga manzon Allah (SAW), iyalan gidansa da sahabbansa.

Ya 'dan uwa mai daraja! Shin, ko ka san wanene Al Imamul Bagawiy? Shin ko kasan malaman da Bagawiy yayi rayuwa a zamanin su? Shin ko kasan matsayin littafin Sharhus-Sunnah idan aka kwatanta shi da Kutibus Sitta? Shin ko kasan hadisai dubu nawa ne ke cikin Sharhus- Sunnah? Shin ko kasan fa'idar wannan littafin ga manhajin Salafiyyah da duniyar Sunnah baki 'daya?

In ka sani to ka 'kara sani. In kuma baka sani ba to ka rinka latsa wannan link 'din na 'kasa a duk ranar lahadi iwarka domin sauraren karatun wannan littafin mai suna; Sharhus-Sunnah, daga bakin Ash-Shaikhul Muhaddith, Al-Allamatus-Salafi, Abu AbdurRahmam, Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria (Rahimahullah).





*** KASET NA GOMA (10) ***

DATE: 17 /11/2011


latsa wannan link 'din na 'kasa domin sauraren wayannan abubuwan da suka wajaba a cikin karatun wannan littafi na Ahkamul Jana'iz, daga bakin Ash-Shaikhul Muhaddith, Al-Allamatus-Salafi, Abu AbdurRahmam, Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria (Rahimahullah).



KARATUN LITTAFIN SAHEEHU MUSLIM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



*** KASET NA TARA (10) ***
.............MUQADDIMATUL MUSANNIF ............

DATE: 29/10/2011

Allahu Akbar! Rahamar Allah ta kaima Imamu Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i da Ahmad bn Hambali domin sunce indai hadisi ya inganta to nanne mazhabarsu.

Allahu Akbar! Rahamar Allah ya kaima mujaddadi Usman Bn Fodio domin cewa yayi indai ingantaccen hadisi yayi magana to babu sauran wata maganar mazhaba.

Allahu Akbar! Rahamar Allah ta kaima Ash-sheikh Abubakar Mahmud Domin cewa yayi; "karatun hadisi da aiki dashi shine zaman lafiya ga muslmi.

Allahu Akbar! Rahamar Allah ta kaima Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria domin cewa yayi; Mu yan dakon hadisan Manzon Allah (SAW) ne.

Allahu Akbar! Rahamar Allah ta 'kara kaima Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria domin ya karantar kuma gina ma hadisan Manzon Allah (SAW) cibiyar karantar dasu mai suna Daruul Hadeethis-Salafiyyah.

Latsa wannan link 'din na 'kasa domin sauraren karatun Saheehu Muslim, daga bakin Ash-Shaikhul Muhaddith, Al-Allamatus-Salafi, Abu AbdurRahmam, Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria (Rahimahullah).


An haifi Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria ne a watan Rabiu Thani 1379 dai dai da 27 Sept 1960, a cikin garin Muciya Zaria, Sabon Garin Kaduna, Najeriya.

Malam ya taso tun yana yaro da son ilimi kamar yadda wani malamin shi ya siffanta shi da cewa: “Albaniy tun yana 'Karami da angan shi ina kaje; karatu, ina zaka; karatu, me kake yi; karatu, me ka gama; karatu.

Mahaifiyar shi mai Suna Saudatu ita ta fara bashi 'karfin guiwar karatun addini na musamman, domin itace wadda ta fara siyar da akuyar ta, ta bashi kudin ya siyo littafin Saheehu Muslim inshi na farko. Har ila yau mahaifiyarshi ta taba 'daukan shi tun yana 'karami ta kaishi gurin wasu malamai a cikin garin Kano domin su karantar dashi Karatun addini da zummar cewa 'danta ya zama Malami.

A 'bangaren karatun Al-Qur'ani; Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria ya fara karatun Allo ne a cikin anguwar mucciya dake Zaria. A inda ya sauke Qur'ani saukar Farko ruwayar warsh 'kira'ar Nafi'u a hannun Mallam Mato da Alarama Mallam Abubakar.

A 'bangaren Larabci kuwa Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria ya halarci wani karatu na wata goma sha takwas (18 months) a 'karkashin wani tsarin karatu da marigayi Gaddafi ya kawo Nigeria, a 'karkashin Jagorancin jami'ar Libiya a shekara alif dubu 'daya da 'dari tara da tasa'in. Babban Malami, marigayi Ash-Sheikh Abubakar Mahmud Gumi, shi ya danka musu takardar shedar kammala karatun, kuma sai da yaba Albani Zaria wata takarda na jinjinawa ta musamman.

Dangane da sauran karatuttukan addinin musulunci kuma. Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria yayi karatu a hannun Malamai da dama anan gida Nigeria da kuma Saudiya.

Kadan daga cikin malaman da yayi karatu a hannun su anan gida Nigeria sun kasance kamar haka; Dr Aminuddeen Abubakar Kano (Mai makarantar Kwali), Ash-Sheikh Sani Yakubu Zaria, Shehu Umar (Malami ne a Jami'a), Alkali Mallam Haruna Ishaq Zaria. Daga bisani Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria (Rahimahullah) ya tare a hannun wani mutumin india mai suna Dr AbdulRahim Muhammad Muslim Khan wanda malami ne dake koyarwa a jami'ar Ahmadu Bello dake Zaria. Mallam Muhammad Muslim Khan ya karantar da Albani Zaria littattafai masu yawa. A bangaren ilimin hadisi wannan malami Muhammad Muslim Khan ya karantar da Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria littafin tadriburra'wi da musdala'ul hadith. A bangaren sauran littattafai kuma wannan malami ya karantar da Albani littafin Sifatu-Salatin Nabiy da kuma littafin Sharhus- Sunnah na Alhafiz Al-Bagawiy.

Daga baya a lokacin da Ash-Sheikh Albani Zaria ya fara kasuwanci yana samun kudi, malam ya kasance yakan sayi tiket na jirgi musamman dan yaje 'Kasar Saudiyya yayi karatu a matsayin shi na 'dalibi mai niman ilimi bawai a matsayinshi na 'dalibin jamiatul Islamiyya ba.

Mallam yayi karatu a gaban Dr Muhammad Amin dake jamiatul Islamiyya dake madina, a inda ya koyi 'kira'ar Qur'ani 'kira'a bakwai ruwaya goma sha hudu.

Mallam Ya yi karatu a gaban Sheikh Uthaimin karatu sosai musamman ta fannin ilimin tafseerin Al-Qur'ani mai girma.

Mallam yayi karatun Aqeeda karatu sosai a hannun Addoktur Assuhaimi da professor Ali Nasir Faqihi wadanda dukkaninsu malamai ne a jamiatul islamiyya dake madina Kulliyatud-Da'awa wa usuluddeen.

Mallam yayi karatu a wurin mallam Tuwaijiri wanda ke karantarwa a Daruul-Hadeethisil Khairiyya dake Saudiyya.

Mallam yayi karatu a wajen Sheikh Zarban Al-gamidy, wanda shi ne tsohon Bursar (shugaban 'bangaren kudi) a jami’ar Madina.

Mallam yayi karatu a hannun Sheikh Abdullahi Bn AbdulRahman Alu Bassam (mai littafin taysirul Allam).

Mallam yayi Karatu a gaban Professor Samir wanda 'dalibi ne na Sheikh Nasiruddeen Albani.

Mallam yayi karatu a hannun Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Adam Al Ethiopy wanda shi kuma mutumin 'kasar Ethiopia ne.

Akwai malaman jami’ar Madina da yawa wadanda malam yayi karatu a gaban su, amma ba’a matsayin shi na 'dalibi a jami’a ba, A’a, a matsayin shi na 'dalibi wanda ya kai kanshi koyon ilimi a wurin su.

Wannan shine takaitaccen tarihin malam abin da ya shafi ilimi a taqaice. Allah (SWT) muke roko da ya jikan Mallam ya kuma sa Aljannat Firdausi ce makomarsa.


Tsarki ya tabbata ga Allah! Idan ka kalli irin mutuwar da Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria yayi za kaga abun mamaki mai tarin yawa.

(1) A duk duniyar nan idan ka cire Al-Qur'ani mai girma babu littafin da yafi Saheehul Bukhari. A duk duniya idan ka cire Al-Qur'ani da Saheehu Bukhari babu littafin da yafi Saheehu Muslim. A duk duniya idan ka cire Al-Qur'ani da Hadisi babu littafin da yafi na gyaran zukata da Aqeeda.

Allahu Akbar! A safiyar ranar da malam yayi 'kaura daga da duniyar nan sai da ya karantar da littafin gyaran zuciya ('Darikatus-Salihina).

Allahu Akbar! A yammacin ranar da mallam yayi 'kaura daga duniyar nan sai da ya karantar littafin Saheehu Muslim.

Allahu Akbar! A daren ranar da mallam yayi 'kaura daga duniyar nan sai da ya karantar da littafin Saheehu Bukhari.

Kaga kena duka wadannan
littattafan guda uku masu daraja a duniyar musulunci sai da mallam ya karantar dasu a wannan ranar da ya rasu.

(2) Sanannen Abune cewa; Manzon Allah (S.A.W) yace idan ya kasance aikin karshen mutum a rayuwarshi ya kasance na alkhairi ne to ko shakka babu wannan mutumin 'dan Aljannah ne. Allahu Akbar! Malam ya dawo ne daga karatun saheehu Bukhari a masallacin Markazus-Salafiyya, yana hanyarsa ta komawa gida akazo aka yi mishi kisan gilla dashi da matarsa da 'dansa kamar yadda aka yima Sayyidina Ali (RTA) a yayin dawowar shi gida daga masallaci.

(3) Sanannen abune cewa manzon Allah (SAW) yace duk wanda aka kashe shi haka kawai bai jiba bai gani ba toh dukkannin zunubanshi sun koma kan wannan wanda yayi kisan. Allahu Akbar! Kashe mallam a kayi dashi da matarsa da 'dansa basu jiba basu gani ba wanda hakan yasa dukkannin zunubansu sun koma kan makisansu insha'Allah.

(4) Sanannen abune cewa Manzon Allah (SAW) yace dukkannin ran da kalmarta na 'karshe ta kasance kalmar shahada to sakamakon wannan ran shine Aljannat Firdausi. Allahu Akbar! Malam ya rasu ne yana furta LA'ILA HA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH (SAW).

Sannan malam ya samu yabon
mutane dayawa kuma a tarihin 'kasar zazzau ba'a taba ganin taron 'dan adam a wurin jana'iza ba irin taron jana'izar mallam . Wanda hakan ma alamace ta mutuwar mutanen kirki.

Dan Allah mutumin banza zaiyi
wannan mutuwar????
Download KARATUN LITTAFIN SIFATU- SALATIN NABIYYI (SAW) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



*** KASET NA TARA (9) ***
.............MUQADDIMA (9)............



Hakika! Sallah tana da wasu ladubba wadanda duk ka kiyaye su to in sha Allahu Ta'ala sallar ka karbabbiya ce. Mafi muhimmanci daga cikin wadannan ladubba shine:- Dole ne kayi Sallah irin yadda manzon Allah (SAW) yake yi. Hakan kuwa ta samo asali ne daga fadin manzon Allah sallah (SAW) cewa صـلـّوا كـمـا رأيـتـمـونـي أصـلـّي، 
(kuyi sallah kamar yadda kuka ga nake yi)

Ya 'dan uwa mai daraja! Shin, ko ka san irin yadda ((manzon Allah (SAW)) yake yin sallah? 

In ka sani to ka 'kara sani. In kuma baka sani ba to ka lazimci latsa wannan link 'din na 'kasa duk sati domin sauraren karatun wannan littafin mai suna; Sifatu Salatin Nabeey (SAW), daga bakin Ash-Shaikhul Muhaddith, Al-Allamatus-Salafi, Abu AbdurRahmam, Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria (Rahimahullah).


Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu! Akwai wani shafin facebook da aka bude da suna kamar haka; "Mallam Bello Yabo".

To wannan ba shafi na bane kuma ban san wanda ya bude wannan shafin ba. 

Don haka bani da alhaki akan duk wani rubutu da akayi akan wannan shafin. Dafatan za'a fadaka.

Sahihin shafina shine "Bello Yabo Sokoto".

Wednesday, 4 June 2014



*** KASET NA GOMA (10) ***
*** FASALI NA BIYU (2) ***

DATE; 04/07/2000

Shin ko ka san menene sihiri?
Shin ko ka san nau'ukan sihiri?
Shin ko ka san yaya boka yake kiran aljani?
Shin ko ka san yadda ake gane nauin sihiri?
Shin ko ka san yadda ake karya sihiri?
Shin ko ka san yadda ake cire aljani daga jikin 'dan Adam da izinin Allah?
Shin ko ka san mene kambun baka?
Shin ko ka san yadda ake maganin kambun baka da izinin Allah?

In ka sani to ka 'kara sani. In kuma baka sani ba to ka lazimci latsa wannan link 'din na 'kasa a duk lokacin daka gani domin saurare da kuma saukewa akan na'urarka.


KARATUN LITTAFIN SIFATU- SALATIN NABIYYI (SAW) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



*** KASET NA GOMA (10) ***
.............MUQADDIMA (10)............



Hakika! Sallah tana da wasu ladubba wadanda duk ka kiyaye su to in sha Allahu Ta'ala sallar ka karbabbiya ce. Mafi muhimmanci daga cikin wadannan ladubba shine:- Dole ne kayi Sallah irin yadda manzon Allah (SAW) yake yi. Hakan kuwa ta samo asali ne daga fadin manzon Allah sallah (SAW) cewa صـلـّوا كـمـا رأيـتـمـونـي أصـلـّي،
(kuyi sallah kamar yadda kuka ga nake yi)

Ya 'dan uwa mai daraja! Shin, ko ka san irin yadda ((manzon Allah (SAW)) yake yin sallah?

In ka sani to ka 'kara sani. In kuma baka sani ba to ka lazimci latsa wannan link 'din na 'kasa duk sati domin sauraren karatun wannan littafin mai suna; Sifatu Salatin Nabeey (SAW), daga bakin Ash-Shaikhul Muhaddith, Al-Allamatus-Salafi, Abu AbdurRahmam, Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria (Rahimahullah).



Ayi sauraro lafiya.

Duk wandanda akace ya amshi sarauta wai shine sarkin musulmi na Nigeria! 

Duk wanda akace ya zama gomnan sokoto! 

Alama na farko in ance shi wai Ahlussunnah ne, toh yayi 'kokarin kawar da hubbaren Shehu ya bar 'kabarin Shehu yadda yake indai ya ce Shi Ahlussunah ne da gaske. 

Hubbaren Shehu ta sabama karantar Shehu. Sarki da Gomna ku tara Malamai kuce a kawo dalilai,a bude littattafan Shehu a ji yadda 'danfodio ke kafirta masu yi mishi abubuwan da ake mishi a 'kabari.


Monday, 2 June 2014

Muslims living in Ikonifin, Ola Oluwa Local government Osun State would have
been in states of dilemma if an attempt to launch Boko Haram by Pastor Olatoke, using his own church
was successful.
The pastor of the Baptist church Ikonifin, who is also the CAN President of Ola Oluwa Local Government,
conspired with three members of his church, Emmanuel
Atanda, Pitter Oyedepo and Ogunniyi Babatope to dress like a Muslim and use turban to cover their faces.
When it was around 11-12pm on Sunday (18/05/2014) during the church services, these three men
stormed the church premises and started throwing firearm ( banga) to scare the people of the church
away. On seeing this, the worshippers took to their heels, running helter skelter to save their lives during
which many were injured. But it was unfortunate for those men as they were arrested when they were
trying to escape with their motorcycle by the youths of the community. It was during their severe torture
before the arrival of the police they now revealed that they are members of Baptist Church Ikonifin and it
was a planned work with their pastor.
When the pastor was consulted he said it was just a drama (can you imagine?).
The Christian Association is now doing all her possible best to bury the case when it didn’t work as it was
planned and none of Nigerian media or papers reported this. Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan, the Founder
and National President of Jama’at Ta’awunil Muslimeen has called on the state government to bring the
perpetrators of such malicious crime to book.
“To bury such a case, is a crime against Muslims because if the plan was successful, Muslims would have
been in danger. It’s unjust until the perpetrators are brought to book; and CAN should be warned, any
conspiracy against Muslims or attempt to destabilize the State of Osun will be their end In- Shal- Allah ”
he warned.
Professor O.O Ladipo also called on the State government to arrest the pastor who intended to launch
Boko Haram in the State of Osun with the aim of putting Muslims in danger.
Ameer Ta’awun, Osun state.


Wannan magana tadade a Arewacin Nigeria tun zamanin zuwan Turawa kasar Nigeria babu shakka sarakuna da malaman musulunci nawancen lokacin sunyi fada da Akidar boko, yadda haryakai awajensu bokon ma kanta haramunne, wannan yasa mafiyawan mutanen Arewa basu sha'awar karatun boko, duba da yadda ilimin bokon yazo musu tahanya Turawan mulkin mallaka, tayadda gabadaya Al'adar malam Bahaushe tasha banban da wannan tsari na turawan mulkin mallaka, ina tuna daga baya baya lokacin muna Primary harwata waqa abokanmu suke mana wadanda basa zuwa makarantar boko, "Dan boko bokoko awuta"

Wannan yasa mafi yawan iyayenmu basuyi karatun boko ba, dan haka yasa suke daukar yaransu suke turasu kasar gabas wato Maiduguri karatun Muhammadiyya ma'ana karatun Allo,
Sunyi hakanne duba da yadda tsarin karantarwar yazo wanda yake hade da rashin kunya da fitsara wacce tasabawa Al'adar malam Bahaushe, haka akai tatafiya, har zuwa 1987 lokacin da akai zaben shugaban kasa akasar Algeria inda 'yan uwa musulmi wadanda suke da kishin musulunci suka ci zaben shugaban kasa, ita kuma kasar Amurka data duba taga lallai idan tabari wadannan mutane sukecigaba da mulki awannan kasa akwai yiyuwar suyaqi kafirci aduniya, wannan yasa sukai maqarqashiya aka suke zaben, inada aka nada Gwamnatin riqon kwarya.
Wannan yasa suwadannan mutane sukai tawaye gawannan gwamnatin riqon kwaryar suka hana yin aiki awannan Gwamnati suka hana shiga gwamnatin hadaka, sukeita bada fatawowi sabanin shawarwarin da manyan malamai na duniya suka basu irinsu Nasuruddenul Albani da Bn Baz da su Uthaimin wannan yasa suke tara kudade masu yawa da makamai donsu yaki wannan Gwamnati ta riqon kwarya,

Daga baya suke watsu aduniya don yada wannan akida ta kyamar aikin Gwamnati ana haka suka hadu da Malam Yusif Agarin maiduguri.

Malam Yusif Mutumin kasar maiduguri Babar barene yanajin yaren Barbarci da Fullaci da Hausa Ranga dadau, kuma yayi karatun Qur'ani irin na Gardan taka ma'ana karatun Allo baitaba zuwa makarantar koyon Tajwid ba koyaje makaranta koyon Tafser amma Allah yabashi zalakar harshe wanda alokacin har yarike matsayin wakilin Zakzaky a Maiduguri, 
Daga baya da'awar Sunnah tai tasiri akansa yashiga sunnah amma baya karatu wannan yasa yakeda zafin ra'ayi lokacin da Marigay Sheikh Ja'afar Mahmud Adam yafara Tafser amasallacin Dr. Ndimi malam Yusif yafara zuwa wannnan Tafser wannan shine zamanshi nafarko agaban Halka ta ilimi;
Daga nan sai yahadu dawani mutumin Kaduna dakuma Bashir Dan sudan wanda ya zauna akano yariqa kafirta dukkanin musulmi masuyin karatun boko, daga baya bayan suntattauna dasu Dr. Ahmad Bomba dasu Malam. Abba Adam Koki, ya tattara yanasa yanasa yakoma wani gari a jahar Niger wajejan Makwa, inda suka kafa gari maisuna Darul-salam

Malam Yusif ansamshe alokacin dayake ganiyarsa domin baya karatu kuma ga akidar gardan taka ta kyamar karatun boko, wannan yasa yakarbi wannan da'a takyamar aikin Gwamnati amma shi saiya sauya ainihin da'awar yamaida ita ta kyamar karatun boko,
yasami gudun mawar kudade da makamai daga wadancen mutane 'yan Algeria inda suka tsara Agendar guda uku 1)YAKAR MALAMAN SUNNAH 2)YAKAR WADANDA SUKAI MUSU TAWAYE 3)YAKAR GWAMNATI,

Daga nan Malam Yusif yakama wa'azi yana fassara wadansu ayoyi acikin Qur'ani dasukai magana akan Jihadi dakuma wadansu ayoyi dasukai magana akan Science karkumanta baiyi karatu maizurfi dazai dauki wadannan mas'aloli manyaba, amma haka yafara da'awar Boko Haramce hakan Aikin gwamnati ma Haramne,
Kadan daga cikin abubuwan da malam. Yusif yatabo wadanda sunfi karfinsa sune, Science dake cikin Qur'ani kamar guraren da Allah yake maganar kowacce halitta daga ruwa take, dakuma inda Allah yake bayanin Halittar dan Adam dakuma yadda sama da kasa suke ahade,
Dakuma bayanan Malam Ilimin kimiya wadan yake ganin sunsabawa ayoyin Qur'ani,

Bayan kuma manyan malaman musulunci na duniya sunyi Rubece rubece akan Science wanda baije yakarantaba,
Misali tun shekara 700 da suke wuce Ibn Qaiyumul-jauzi yarubata littafi wanda aka fassara da turanci mai suna (HELLING WITH THE MEDECINE IN THE PROPHET)

Hakanan wani bature dan kasar America mai suna Profeser Moris Orkala wanda malamin Science kwararre akan harkar bince, lokacin da yai bincike yagano cewar Asalin kowanne abu daga ruwa ne, sai akace masa aitun wajen shekara 1,000 dasuka wuce Qur'ani yabaina haka, yace akawo masa Qur'anin, bayan kawo masa yaga hakan bazai gamsheshiba, dan haka yatafi birnin Jeddah yazauna tsawon shekara 5 yana karantar harshen larabci sannan yakaranci Qur'anin daga baya yarubata wannan littafin,(THE QUR'AN AND MODERN SCIENCE COMPORTABLE OR INCOMPORTABLE)
Dan haka manyan malamai na musulunci harma wadanda ba musulmiba sunyarda cewar Qur'ani da Ilimin kimiyya ko Science basa cin karo da juna 
TO irin wadannan Muhammad Yusif yake qoqarin tabbatarwa Alhalin baiyi karatunsuba, domin dukkan mas'alolin sunfi karfinsa,
Nanma wani malamine dan kasar India Mai suna SHABIR AHMAD yarubuta wani littafi maisuna (DEVELOPMENT SCIENCE AND TECNOLOGY IN ISLAMIC HISTORY)
Shima yai bayani sosai akan wannan mas'ala

Zanci gaba dakawo sauran litattafai dakuma litattafin da Dr. Zakir Naick yarubuta bayan Tattaunawarsu Da Dr. Wiliams 
Insha Allah...............